Victory Venkatesth latest film news, Richa Gangopadhyay will pair up with Venkatesh in her next film to be directed by Meher Ramesh. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are penning the script for the film while Paruchuri Kiriti will produce the film on the banner of United Movies. Richa has been zeroed in as the leading lady in the film. Richa Gangopadhyay was already seen in Venkatesh's Nagavalli but the duo didn't get to romance in the movie. Richa has debuted in Tollywood with Leader starring Daggubati Rana and after a couple of films Richa has left to Kollywood where she debuted with Maykkam Enna. Venky-Richa starrer will hit the floors from the end of January and meanwhile, the script work for the movie is being carried out.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Venkatesth Next Movie with Richa Gangopadhyay
Victory Venkatesth latest film news, Richa Gangopadhyay will pair up with Venkatesh in her next film to be directed by Meher Ramesh. Kona Venkat and Gopi Mohan are penning the script for the film while Paruchuri Kiriti will produce the film on the banner of United Movies. Richa has been zeroed in as the leading lady in the film. Richa Gangopadhyay was already seen in Venkatesh's Nagavalli but the duo didn't get to romance in the movie. Richa has debuted in Tollywood with Leader starring Daggubati Rana and after a couple of films Richa has left to Kollywood where she debuted with Maykkam Enna. Venky-Richa starrer will hit the floors from the end of January and meanwhile, the script work for the movie is being carried out.
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